Ok… it’s the day AFTER Valentine’s Day…. Office cubicles are filled with conversations of “Girl he got me (insert gift description here)”, ladies are still admiring the flowers that decorate their desk, picking through the last pieces of the chocolates to try and find one they like (I HATE the ones with the orange filling) and some are tired from the “festivities” of the night before. This year is a leap year so “tradition” says women were supposed to buy for men…. hopefully the men got shown love and appreciation on last night *wink wink*.  And according to social networks this is the day designated for the “side chicks” so I guess they are celebrating today (side eyes).

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah… I know this was a holiday that derived from a massacre, yes I know the history. Yes I know you should show your love for someone EVERYDAY but we all know that sometimes with the hustle of life we sometimes get accustomed to our routines and forget to take a small break to show our love.  So just for the sake of argument we are going to say this holiday, commercialized or not, is meaningful.  I do find it quite ironic it’s only “not a real holiday” when you don’t have someone to share it with (I won’t give you the side eyes again but….).

Personally (when someone uses this word it expresses THEIR sentiments), I don’t think you have to give large gifts on Valentine’s Day.  I am a very sentimental person (a Cancer), and I hold onto things.  I like things that I can keep over the years and look back at and say “I got that for Valentine’s one year” as opposed to items that become dated and don’t last.  I like tokens that show appreciation or things that you know I have been wanting, practical or not.  I just like to know someone listens to me.  But I am NEVER opposed to any gift you want to give me.  I am always thankful for any gift I receive, and usually even if I don’t like something I NEVER take it back.  I feel that we have put too much gift pressure on this day.  Remember when getting balloons, a teddy bear, candy and a card in High/Middle School was the best gift in the world, now we don’t want that because it’s a “cheap” gift.  Some women even go as far as to give Valentine’s ultimatums….”If he doesn’t do (insert outlandish request here) on Valentine’s Day then girl I’m DONE!”

Many men have commented that Valentine’s Day was really for women to brag or boast about what their man did for them, and I guess that is good if you are proving something to the world, yet I seem to find that they are usually trying to convince themselves.  I may be wrong but if you are bragging/boasting to these women about what your man does and/or did, doesn’t that make him a target for these evil, conniving “side” women? So now that the day is over…. and the novelties are 75% off…. Did anyone find out they were the “side chick” like so many tweets & Facebook posts suggested???  I personally find it quite hard to believe that you didn’t know you were a “side chick” in the first place but I’m just going off what the majority believes (side eyes).

Why does a holiday show you what you are in a relationship? Do they not show you all these signs every other day? Since we are supposed to show love everyday of the year not just February 14th, are you not getting “side chick” vibes the other 364 days of the year??? I know it sounds funny to make these “side chicks” sound as if they are low class but what is even funnier is the acknowledgement of these said “side women”.  I believe I saw more conversation revolved around these other women than the one who is supposedly the “main”.  I am just curious to know if anyone made this discovery on last night? And if so are you done with the “relationship”?  And to those who had Valentine’s deadlines have yall left yet? Oh… wait… ya’ll were done with those relationships on New Year’s right???




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